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三峡水库童庄河浮游植物及其与水质的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对三峡水库支流童庄河库区的浮游植物进行调查,共检出浮游植物132种,其中蓝藻门23种,隐藻门2种,甲藻门3种,硅藻门55种,裸藻门3种,绿藻门46种.其中硅藻门的种类居首位,甲藻和隐藻则在数量上占优势.主要优势种为飞燕角甲藻(Ceratium hirundinella)和隐藻一种(Cryptomonas sp.).浮游植物的种类和数量随季节和水域不同而呈现差异.应用水质理化指标、污染指示种和污染指示群落评价童庄河水质,显示其水质为Ⅴ类,为β-中污型水体.  相似文献   
有色溶解有机物吸收光谱模型对比   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用6种统计模型对吉林省石头口门水库、松花湖CDOM吸收光谱曲线(350-650nm)进行拟合,从统计F值大小和归一化残差两个角度均证明双曲线模型效果最好;采用15个波段范围拟合CDOM吸收均值光谱斜率S,单指数模型S值变化幅度较大,平均变异系数为12.41%;而双曲线模型S值相对稳定,变异系数为5.85%.将双曲线模型应用于生物光学模型,研究表明双曲线模型可以反映CDOM时空变化规律和物质组成;且双曲线模型拟合光谱斜率S值与CDOM特征波长吸收具有很好的负相关关系,呈幂指数递减,决定系数达0.8137.  相似文献   
溶解氧(DO)是水体能否维持生态平衡的重要指标,是湖泊初级生产力与水动力条件的综合反映.研究DO及其分层的季节变化对认识湖库的富营养化过程有重要意义.本研究以天目湖沙河水库为例,运用西澳大学开发的三维水动力水质模型——ELCOM-CAEDYM对天目湖的水温、DO和总磷(TP)进行了为期1年的数值模拟.结果表明,模型较好地模拟出了水体温度和DO分层过程以及TP的时空分布,3个指标在水体表层、中层和底层的模拟值与实测值拟合良好,均方根误差分别在1.8℃、1.8 mg/L和0.003 mg/L以内,Nash-Sutcliffe有效性系数均在0.7以上,相对误差均低于10%.沙河水库不同季节的DO垂向分层与温跃层协同变化:冬季垂向混合;春季(4月)温跃层开始发育,底部出现氧不足;夏季(7月)温跃层位于4~10 m之间,同时底部低氧区(DO<2 mg/L)面积达35%;秋季(9月末)低氧区随着温跃层的消失而消失;冬季再次垂向混合.全湖DO和TP的时空分布表明,南半库区磷的来源主要是外源输入,而北半库区磷的来源主要是由水体底部低氧导致的磷内源释放.DO季节分层还有可能通过影响藻类活动而对水环境造成影响.  相似文献   
三峡水库长江干流及其支流枯水期浮游植物多样性与水质   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2010年4月对长江干流和26条支流未淹没区与回水区的浮游植物进行调查.结果表明,硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻共占浮游植物种类的93.33%~93.88%.干流优势种类有1门1种、未淹没区有3门6种、回水区有5门6种,出现率分别为15.38%、9.23%和25.00%.回水区现存量平均值最高、未淹没区其次、干流最低.现存量组成在干流、未淹没区和回水区之间有差异,绿藻所占比例干流最高,硅藻所占比例未淹没区最高,隐藻、蓝藻和甲藻所占比例均在回水区最高.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)和Pielou均匀性指数(J),未淹没区最高、干流次之、回水区最低.17条支流回水区H’和8条支流回水区J均低于未淹没区.水质评价显示,轻或无污染断面(采样点)的比例,干流为76.92%,未淹没区为84.62%,回水区为47.06%.19条(73.08%)支流回水区出现中污染或重污染,7条(26.92%)支流未淹没区出现中污染或重污染.三峡工程蓄水对回水区浮游植物与水质影响比长江干流更大.  相似文献   
基于EFDC模型的深圳水库富营养化模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐天均  杨晟  尹魁浩  邹锐 《湖泊科学》2014,26(3):393-400
基于EFDC模型构建了深圳水库三维水动力和富营养化定量模拟模型.分别用2009年和2010 2011年流量、水位和水质等观测数据对模型进行了校正和验证,准确地反映了深圳水库的水动力和水质变化过程.在此基础上,假定支流污染截排、水库调度和降低东江引水污染负荷3种情景进行深圳水库富营养化数值模拟,3种情景下库中Chl.a峰值浓度分别降低1.0%、16.4%和46.3%,平均浓度分别降低1.3%、29.8%和29.9%.深圳水库具有良好的交换能力,尚未出现水华暴发,但入库营养盐负荷高,存在较大的富营养化风险;在目前沙湾河污水已经截排的基础上再实施支流污染控制,对水质改善和藻类控制作用已不明显;水库调度和削减东江引水污染负荷对深圳水库水质和富营养化改善明显,能够有效降低水华发生的风险.  相似文献   
三峡水库澎溪河CO2、CH4气泡释放通量初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李哲  张呈  刘靓  郭劲松  方芳  陈永柏 《湖泊科学》2014,26(5):789-798
气泡释放是天然水体中水-气交换的重要途径之一.采用改进的倒置漏斗型气泡通量监测装置于2012年3-8月期间对三峡支流澎溪河高阳平湖库湾水域进行气泡释放通量的监测研究.研究期间,研究水域CH4气泡释放通量变化范围为0.01 ~ 23288.64 μmol/(m2·d);CO2气泡释放通量变化范围为0~799.89 μmol/(m2·d).不同常规采样点CH4、CO2气泡释放通量均呈现出高度的时空异质性特征.但CH4气泡释放通量显著高于CO2气泡释放通量,且二者释放过程具有同步性.同国外已有水库监测结果相比,澎溪河回水区高阳平湖库湾水域CH4、CO2气泡释放通量位于中等水平.CH4气泡释放通量约为同期CH4扩散通量的0~ 1893.90%,超量释放下CH4气泡释放通量可达同水域CH4扩散通量的6270.5%±390.0%.CO2气泡释放通量仅占同期扩散通量绝对值的0~ 21.74‰,超量释放下,CO2气泡释放通量亦仅为同期扩散通量绝对值的40.33‰ ±0.93‰.CH4气泡释放通量在支流库湾水域对总通量的贡献不可忽视.  相似文献   
三峡水库香溪河初级生产力及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2013 2014年采用黑白瓶测氧法对香溪河不同站点(上、中、下游及其支流库湾)和不同水深(0.5、1.0、2.0、5.0和10.0 m)的初级生产力进行原位测定.结果显示:(1)三峡水库蓄水后香溪河水域初级生产力具有显著的空间差异,支流和上游的总初级生产力大于中、下游,下游的初级生产力水平最低;初级生产力随着水深增加呈现逐渐减少的趋势;(2)初级生产力具有显著的季节差异,春、夏季显著高于秋、冬季;(3)光照强度、水温和天气对初级生产力有显著影响,水体叶绿素浓度与初级生产力极显著相关.结果显示,蓄水后改变的水文情势将香溪河的初级生产划分为明显不同的两个区域,水动力条件成为影响初级生产力的重要因子;依据初级生产力判断香溪河为富营养、自养代谢型水体.  相似文献   
Environment conservation of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) requires reliable assessment of fish resources and variation of their distribution. The goal of this study was to determine the best season and the diurnal period to estimate fish density in the TGR using acoustic surveys as a monitoring tool. To find out diurnal migration pattern of fishes in the TGR, we conducted reduplicated 24-h hydroacoustical surveys in the forequarter of the TGR, which covered different habitats (mainstream, tributary bay), seasons (summer, winter) and years (2012–2015). Measurements were performed using SIMRAD EY60 split beam echosounder with frequency 120 kHz. Additionally, zooplankton and environmental parameters were measured. The results showed more than ten times differences between the day and night fish density estimates, probably resulting either from the horizontal migrations between the littoral and open water or vertical migrations. Differences were higher during winter than during summer, and higher in the tributary bay than in the mainstream. Clear vertical migrations were observed both in the tributary bay (amplitude 15 m) and in the mainstream (amplitude 35 m), but only during winter time. Inter-annual estimates of fish density showed generally decreasing trend with years. especially well pronounced in the tributary bay. We also observed high seasonal and diurnal variability in fish distributions, which can significantly affect the accuracy and precision of biomass estimate, indicating importance of choosing appropriate timing for fish monitoring. According to our results, in order to receive the most reliable estimates of fish density in the TGR, hydroacoustic surveys should be performed during summer at night time.  相似文献   
岩石润湿性的核磁共振表征方法与初步实验结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着石油勘探开发领域的不断扩大,某些复杂油气藏尤其是致密油气的岩石物理响应,受岩石润湿性变化的影响越来越明显,影响油气藏的评价以及后续勘探开发,识别和评价岩石润湿性成为重要的研究课题.核磁共振弛豫可以有效表征多孔介质孔隙及其流体分布,特别是通过T1-T2弛豫图谱能够获得流体分子与孔隙表面相互作用的信息,进而为孔隙表面润湿性质的判断提供了可能性.本文首先讨论了T1-T2弛豫谱表征孔隙介质润湿强度的理论基础,然后,采用一阶近似方法对孔隙表面流体分子的核磁共振弛豫分布进行正演模拟,建立T1/T2比值法判别孔隙介质润湿性的基本方法.最后,选取玻璃珠和天然砂岩样品进行初步实验,验证方法的合理性.结果表明,当岩石饱和双相流体时,润湿相流体T1/T2值高于非润湿相流体,通过观察不同饱和度状态T1-T2二维图谱的变化,能够判断岩石的润湿性.本文的理论分析与初步实验结果为岩石润湿性研究提供了新的手段,对核磁共振测井探测储层润湿性也具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   
Segmentation of geologic features plays a significant role in seismic interpretation. Based on the segmentation results, interpreters can readily recognize the shape and distribution of geologic features in three-dimensional space and conduct further quantitative analysis. Usually, there are mainly two steps for the segmentation of geologic features: the first step is to extract seismic attributes that can highlight the occurrence of geologic features, and the second step is to apply the segmentation algorithm on the seismic attribute volumes. However, the occurrence of geologic features is not always corresponding to the anomaly value on the seismic attribute volumes and vice versa because of several factors, such as noise in the seismic data, the limited resolution of seismic images and the limited effectiveness of the seismic attribute. Therefore, the segmentation results, which are generated solely based on seismic attributes, are not sufficient to give an accurate depiction of geologic features. Aiming at this problem, we introduce the connectivity constraint into the process of segmentation based the assumption that for one single geologic feature all of its components should be connected to each other. Benefiting from this global constraint, the segmentation results can precisely exclude the interference by false negatives on seismic attribute volumes. However, directly introducing the connectivity constraint into segmentation would face the risk that the segmentation results would deteriorate significantly because of false positives with relatively large area when the connectivity constraints are enforced. Therefore, based on the seismic attribute that highlights the boundary of geologic feature, we further propose a post-processing technique, called pruning, to refine the segmentation results. By taking the segmentation of the channel as an example, we demonstrate that the proposed method is able to preserve the connectivity in the process of segmentation and generate better segmentation results on the field data.  相似文献   
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